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Till the Soil, Let the Plants Grow

We have lived in our current house for twenty years and until last year could not grow grass in the backyard. We affectionately called the limited green back there a meadowy mead and shrugged at its ugliness.  

With our grandchildren spending more time at our house and wanting a lawn to play on, we redid our back. We cut down a number of junk trees allowing light to hit the backyard, and we brought in some soil. We then planted grass and viola; green grass grew. We have lost our meadowy mead, and it has been replaced by kid friendly grass. 

However, it is important to note that the grass seed grew by itself.  Grass seeds know what to do. However, we finally created conditions where grass could thrive. And thrive it did. 

As leaders, we need to think about whether we are creating conditions where people can thrive and develop. Are we providing autonomy and an important purpose to the work? Are we giving clear directions and not micromanaging? Are we providing the appropriate resources and feedback?  

Our people, when treated well, will grow and develp. Are we creating the appropriate conditions for them?


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