Transforming Your Teams
Propelling Your Mission
Programs that strengthen you, your teams, your school:
Improving Leadership Team Functioning
An often-overlooked aspect of running a highly effective school is to ensure that the Leadership Team is working as a single unit with shared goals. Too often Leadership Teams are overly focused on their area of concern failing to see the bigger picture of the school's needs and priorities.
Working with the Head of School and the Leadership Team, Michelman Consulting will imbue the Leadership Team in the theory of teamwork and provide the structures to allow excellent teamwork to thrive.
Improving Board Teamwork and Functioning
Every School leader understands the importance of the board and its relationship with the Head of School. We sometimes underestimate the importance of teamwork within the board. A board that works as a team is more likely to work as a teammate with administration and more likely be a value added to the school.
Working with the Head of School, the Board Chair and other board leaders, Michelman Consulting will emphasize the need for the board to act as a team and provide the structures to allow it to thrive.
Personal Coaching for You or a Team Member
Sometimes in order to improve your teams, you or a team member needs individual coaching. Having a coach that understands interpersonal dynamics, team dynamics, and understands schools is critical in improving performance.