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Hire Slow, Fire Fast?

When I was heading my first school, one of my board members would constantly opine that I should hire slow and fire fast.

I certainly understand the concept underlying the advice. For any business hiring is a critical decision. Employees determine how well the product is made and delivered. They create the environment--negative or positive--in which the customer interacts with the company. They make decisions that allow the company to thrive or to wither. So, you should take time before making any hire.

A bad employee can negatively affect the company quickly. The expression, "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch," is true of a toxic employee. Not only are they not getting the job done, but they are also making the work experience less joyful for everyone. Fire them quickly. 

However, hiring slowly and firing quickly can have negative ramifications. 

Hiring Slowly: For some jobs, one candidate stands head and shoulders above all the others. In that case, you should hire them quickly. A quick response makes the candidate feel good and it tends to buoy those who will work with the new hiree. It is nice to know with whom you are going to work. Further in today’s hiring market, taking a long time to hire someone risks that they go elsewhere. 

My corollary is Hire fast if you have the right person and don’t hire at all if you don’t find a fit. 

Fire Fast: If an organization fires too fast, it fails to give the employee a chance to improve. What should happen fast is a continuous set of reviews for all employees. Everyone should know how they are doing.  Further if you fire too fast, you risk other employees looking over their shoulders and wondering if they are next. That is a recipe for bad morale. 

On the other hand, if you fire too slowly, then people wonder why you are putting up with inadequate performances for so long. In my mind, you fire more quickly for a personality that negatively affects the culture and give more time for someone who requires more time to master the tasks of the job. If you can train a person to do the work, take the time to do that. 

My corollary is Fire fast for negative personalities and slow(er) for job issues. 


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